TRAINING BEGINS Sunday, February 5, 2006

There are about a dozen members of the team, plus a handful of mentors and a coach.
That's me in the bright green jersey in the middle of the group. I figure that by wearing bright green, the team will be able spot me when they look back over their shoulders during the ride. Someone needs to keep an eye on the Goldwoman.
We spent the first part of our first meeting learning the 72 different ways cars can knock you off the road and into a ditch leaving you there with multiple broken bones. It was an inspiring film that left me questioning my decision making abilities. We then took to the road.
The first left out of the parking lot pointed me straight into an oncoming gale force wind. I battled the wind bravely, suspecting that I was gaining absolutely no ground. I'm sure I was standing still, perfectly upright and not falling over as my team mates passed me by urging me on.
I did manage to finish that first group ride. Only to learn that winter had not yet really arrived.
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