THIS I BELIEVE, May 12, 2006
I believe that if you want a red light to change, take your foot out of the pedal clip. I believe that whenever there is a pile of gravel you need to avoid on the shoulder of the road, a truck will pass you on the left. This is known as a harmonic convergence. I believe that drivers of white SUVs are always on their cell phones. I believe that being honked at by a car just before it passes you is not helpful. I believe that the streets of Baltimore City resemble the craters on the moon. I believe that carb-loading works and there is no such thing as too much pasta, too much apple pie, or too many chocolate milk shakes. I believe that french fries and beer are internationally recognized as the endurance athlete's recovery meal (found that on a Bodie Miller website).
I believe that you should not regret yesterday, you should not fear tomorrow, and that you should live today. I believe that is how Annie lived.
I believe that you should try to do something very difficult that you've never done before. I believe that there is honor in just trying.
I'm in week 15 of my training -- riding as many as 115 miles a week. The Century is in three weeks. Tomorrow, I will ride 70 miles. Next Sunday, I will ride 80 miles, and the week before the Big One, I will ride 85 miles with weekday rides of 20, 25 and 30 miles throughout the coming weeks. I am now regularly riding over 14 mph. Hills I was riding at 5 mph in February, I am now taking at 8 or 9 mph with gears to spare at the top. I have ridden over 860 miles since February. 100 miles in one day is my goal and I intend to achieve it on June 4, 2006 in Lake Tahoe.
I believe I can do this.
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